*Good Morning Friends*
My friend Lesley, whom I've written about many
times, has inspired me once again. Last December
she told me to watch Forks Over Knives on Netflix
saying that it had completely changed the way she
feeds her family. I watched it and changed everything
about my diet resulting in a 27 pound weight loss
since I started the new diet January 1st.
Making a green drink most every day from
spinach, kale, cabbage, etc. is part of my new
"diet" which really isn't a "diet" per se but
a new way of eating. At first I didn't like the
green taste but now I love it!
I started Lesley on coffee when she was in
her 20's and now we've both given up coffee
for Yerba Mate tea in the morning. I love it!
Hard to believe because I've been drinking
coffee since high school. Still love coffee but
found out it's acidic and I'm trying to stay
away from acidic foods/beverages to see if
my joints will be happier. I have RA and those
of us with RA need to make our diet more
alkaline. Yum Yerba Mate!
In the meantime, Baby Girl has stuffed her
wonderfully plump body into a small box.
She's not at all worried about her diet.
So much can happen in 24 hours! Haley is in
Europe and I'm tending her kitties. I didn't do
very well with Kremer as he was hit by a car
yesterday and ended up with a broken &
dislocated jaw which required surgery and
pain meds. Poor Kremer! I couldn't find him
yesterday morning which was odd because he
is always on her front porch or laying on her
lawn. Thank goodness after he was hit he
managed to get thru her kitty door and collapse
in her bedroom. He'll be OK but the poor little
guy wasn't happy yesterday. Sniff...
And last, I certainly did meander with this post
starting with Forks Over Knives and winding up
telling you about poor Kremer! Oh well, I listened
to my heart and this is what poured out today.
Sending love and all that good stuff your way and
a little push to watch Forks Over Knives. Very
inspiring and loaded with good information.
When I thanked Lesley for telling me about the
video I said I taught you how to dance and now
you're teaching me how to eat healthy.
Enjoy this lovely day!
xoxo Amy