Last year I stopped blogging for a month so I could catch up on my reading. This year was different. The books in my current reading pile were somehow read in the midst of Life happening around me. I always have a book started and escape into it for a while each day. Haley is also a bookworm. I like real books about real stories and real people. I like inner-life books and stories about animals.
From Baghdad, With Love was excellent and true. Michael Stern's book I Had A Ball was wonderful and loving. How Democracies Perish is an old book I was fortunate to find online. It details what is happening in America right now. My friend, Julie Marie, sent me the Tasha Tudor Cookbook which is a treasure. Colossus - about Hoover Dam - our lifeline to electricity.
My previous reading pile has the same feel. I don't always love every book I read, but if a friend gives me a book as a gift, I do read it. I'm on Facebook and most of my FB friends are my students or were my students. Whenever they write about being bored or that they can't sleep, I always respond read! Books open a whole new world. Another dimension to life. If you have any suggestions for me, do tell. I'm in the process of collecting my summer reading pile. xoxo Amy